Tuesday, November 2, 2010

David Austin's in Bloom

After all the rains we have had I have not had a chance to get to look at my garden. Today was the first real time I've had.  I cut a great bunch from the garden and the whole kitchen smells like rose and myrrh.

 All the David Austin's- Ambridge, Evelyn, Golden Celebration, Graham Thomas, Abraham Darby....are all in bloom and even the rains did not get to them too badly...it has been quite cool so they still look good.

All the daisy's are flowering and the English box has gone mad.  All my lavender has doubled in size and the seaside daisy has gone rampant.

Sewing... well I have been doing lots of that.  I have finished making the 30 meters of bunting.  I have nearly finished the 12 aprons and the shopping bags are tonight's task.  That just leaves the birthday banner and the roof decorations.  

The kids and I made a cake and decorated it with dinosaurs.  If their faces are anything to go by, both during and after, I guess it means they loved the cake. 

This week is a very short week for me at work only working one day and then I will be back getting on with all the party preparations. The food is next and I hate to admit but I am getting it all catered for. I'd rather sew then cook...for this occasion anyhow.

I've also been trying to source a pinata cake. I can't find anyone who can make me one. I will try again tomorrow.

And finally... I am addicted to BBC's Eastenders. I have just found out that Alfie and Kat are coming back. Now I just have to wait until Australia gets to see episodes.

1 comment:

  1. Love all your party preparations! Hope your boys have a wonderful day.
